The Future of Rabbit Meat,
The Future of Us

Providing Total Solutions for Rabbits in Indonesia The Future of Rabbit Farming, The Future of Us From Sustainable Feed to Premium Protein.


an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

What are we solving?

Indonesia struggles to diversify affordable, eco-friendly proteins, with daily per capita consumption at 47.39 grams in 2024, highlighting a need for variety.

Limited Alternative Protein Sources
an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background
Inefficient Supply Chains:

Indonesia's rabbit meat production dropped from 479 tons in 2017 to 417 tons in 2018, reflecting .supply chain issues and the need for better farming practices and market access.

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background
Low Consumer Awareness:

Rabbit meat remains underappreciated as a sustainable protein, with minimal data indicating low awareness and educatin from stackholders.

Betermined to become a young pioneer of broiler rabbit farming in Indonesia

Jabon Group empowers rabbit farmers with education, provides quality feed, and introduces rabbit meat to the market, creating a sustainable and profitable farming ecosystem.

Our Business

Jabon Food

Jabon Food as a downstream identity seeks to provide quality products with B2C and B2B systems.


We are the solution for massive broiler rabbit farming in Indonesia.


1000 Ha Waqf Program to empower the Ummah in the chili plantation sector.

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Helps the growth of broiler rabbits, plants and etc

We are the gateway to the benefit of the people through the plantation business

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Jabon News

Sambal Terwelu

Keberhasilan Sambal Terwelu menjalin kolaborasi dengan IPB University sebagai produk pangan Ter-inovatif tahun 2025

Proyek berkelanjutan untuk menunjang diversifikasi protein dan menjalin kemitraan kelinci pedaging di daerah Bogor Raya

Broiller Rabbit
Edu Rabbit Farm
Rabbitry Campign

Edukasi berkelanjutan manajemen produksi ternak kelinci dengan pakan efisien di Desa Neglasari, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 2025

Kampanye diversifikasi protein daging kelinci sebagai sarana pengentasan stunting di Desa Pamoyanan Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 2025

Iconic Brand Portfolio

Have a trademark with a good reputation and strong customer relationships.